Main goals and activities

The Main goals of NPO ‘RAC – BAS-Burgas’ are :
• To assist in the development of expertise, opinions and other expert assessments on draft legislation, regional, national and international strategies and projects;
• To initiate, develop and participate in research and applied science projects;
• To contribute to and develop regional forecasts and assessments of the status and quality of environmental components, biodiversity; monitoring of the environment and natural resources in the region, protection of the population and critical infrastructure and risk management of natural disasters and accidents;
• To assist and participate in the development of technology centres, business incubators and technology transfer parks;
• To participate in the development of methods and technologies for the separation and treatment of polymeric pollutants from the marine environment;
• To develop and implement information and communication technologies with a view to apply computer systems, networks and platforms for the creative and recreational industries;
• To assist in the development and implementation of microcomputer process control;
• To stimulate education and training programmes, channel knowledge flows and improve synergies between research and its applications;
• To participate in the development of programs and projects related to socio-economic development, education, environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources in the territory of the Municipality of Burgas and the Southeast region;
• To promote the involvement of academic and educational circles in the solution of social problems of the society.

The Association carries out activities of public benefit for regional, national and transnational development, focusing on thematic areas in accordance with the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation and the main types of investment for the South East region for the period 2021-2027:
• science, innovation and advanced technologies
• creative and recreational industries;
• mobility and regional connectivity;
• investment in human resources;
• low carbon economy, green investments, circular economy;
• Integrated development of urban, rural and coastal areas;
• cross-border and transnational cooperation;
• tourism (environmental, health, cultural, etc.) and wellness;
• chemical products and technologies
• information and communication technologies, services and telecommunications;
• Marine biology, aquaculture and fish farming;
• Biotechnology, biofoods and bioproducts;
• mechatronics; energy technologies and biofuels.

In order to achieve its objectives, the Association prepares and conducts research, studies and analyses related to scientific and socio-economic development, creates, coordinates, manages and monitors projects, programs, consults and assists other public and private organizations in the preparation of analyses, research, project preparation and implementation.

The Association may also develop any other activity not prohibited by law, related to the goals and contributing to the realization of the set objectives such as:
1. Development, implementation and coordination of projects focusing on the thematic areas for regional, cross-border and transnational cooperation;
2. Research, analysis and forecasting of socio-economic development;
3. Research, creation and maintenance of databases related to the scientific, social and economic potential of the Burgas region;
4. Consultation with the academic community;
5. Mobilizing the participation of local authorities, business and socio-economic partners, and undertaking and implementing initiatives to promote scientific developments and activities in the Burgas region;
6. Organizing and participating in regional, national and international forums.

The association may carry out additional business activities related to the main object of the association within the meaning of article 3, prg. 3 of the Law of non-profit legal entities.
The subject matter of the ancillary business includes:
1. Development of plans, projects and programmes;
2. Carrying out studies, research and analysis;
3. Mediation of regional, national and international cooperation;
4. Consultancy services in the field of European funds and programmes, national and international funding sources, management of business entities;
5. Organisation and conduct of seminars, conferences, master classes and other similar scientific and popular forums;
6. Technical services and publishing activities - training materials, reports, information materials related to the promotion of the activities of the Association;
7. Management of own property;
8. Exercise of intellectual property rights.